
Speed Drawin' COMICS - Part 1

I've got a new video out! Watch as I draw a page from my short The Mare the Merrier from the upcoming MANthology.

I like drawin' comics FAST-- but to be fair, this is Hollywood magic special effects where I use the computer to speed myself up 2000%. Want to see more of my comics? Check out my website:

Indie Comics Day

I did a video interview about Clucked and Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi at The Comic Bug’s inaugural Buy Indie Comics Day. Thank you so much for the interview, NerdSoul

It’s really odd seeing myself onscreen– even moreso than hearing my own voice when I do podcast interviews. “Buy Indie Comics Day is an international, annual event to celebrate the indie, local, and small press creators pushing comics into the next millennium!”

It was an amazing event– I got to catch up with a lot of my SoCal indie comics maker buddies, and meet new ones as well.

Special thanks to Russell Nohelty of Wannabe Press for organizing the event, and thanks to Mike Wellman of The Comic Bug for hosting it!